8x12 Taverna 12-in L x 8-in W x 2-in H Yukon/Slate Concrete Interlocking Paver
The Taverna series features rectilinear shapes, riven surfaces, and rounded edges which recall the timeless appeal of weathered cut flagstone
Designed for repeating random runner and ashlar patterns, Taverna combo pavers install quickly - they can even be combined to make a 6-piece pavement - and creates the aesthetic of historical old world pavements
Dimension | 8 in. x 12 in. x 1.97 in. |
Weight | 14 lbs |
Material | Concrete |
Other Materials
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احصل على إمكانية الوصول إلى التحديثات ذات الأولوية والمكافآت الأخرى المثيرة الآن.