GRABO Construction Industry

Camden Cobble 16-in L x 8-in W x 2-in H Grey/Charcoal Concrete Paver

The unique interlocking design of Camden cobble provides an old world cobble appearance .
Creates the appearance of traditional old world cobble

T-shaped paver has 4 unique units that work together

Multiple faces per unit create a random, multi-cobble-size, hand-laid appearance

Installation process is simplified by installing less units compared to traditional cobble stone paver installation process

Ideal for patios, walkways, edging

To estimate the number of units needed to complete the project, simply calculate the square feet of your project (length x width) and divide by 0.667

Color, dimension, weight and texture may vary slightly due to natural materials used during manufacturing


Dimension 8 in.    x 16 in.   x 1.96 in.
Weight 14 lbs
Material Concrete

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