Holland Paver 8-in L x 4-in W x 2-in H Gray/Charcoal Concrete Interlocking Patio Stone
A timeless classic, the Holland paver is a versatile product ideal for walkways, patios and garden paths. The traditional brick shape gives a classic look that can be used in a variety of patterns including herringbone, basket weave and running bond.
Traditional brick shape gives classic look
Creates a variety of popular patterns, including the herringbone and basket weave
Ideal for patios and walkways
To estimate the number of units needed to complete the projects, simply calculate the square feet of your project (length x width) and multiply by 4.79
Color, dimension, weight and texture may vary slightly due to natural materials used during manufacturing
Dimension | 3.88 in. x 8 in. x 1.77 in. |
Weight | 4 lbs |
Material | Concrete |
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