GRABO Construction Industry

Insignia 9-in L x 5-in W x 3-in H Brown/Charcoal Blend Concrete Straight Edging Stone

Insignia edger is a two piece, self locking, high strength concrete system with the appearance of natural stone. Easy to install, each unit weighs approximately 9 lbs.
Two unit system interlocks to create beautiful straight lines, curves and serpentine borders

Units can be installed vertically or laying flat to meet the unique needs, and desired "look" of your project

Easy to estimate: A and B units combine to cover 1.3 linear feet

Interlocking joints eliminate weed growth between units

Ideal for walkways, tree rings and all garden edges

Color, dimension, weight and texture may vary slightly due to natural materials used during manufacturing


Dimension 5 in.    x 9 in.   x 2.9 in.
Weight 9 lbs
Material Concrete

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